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The Most Reverend Darryl Dion Woodson




His Grace, Bishop Darryl Dion Woodson, began walking with the Lord as a young teenager at the Pentecostal Temple Church of God in Christ.  He served in a broad range of leadership capacities from Youth Leader to National Adjutant, Bishop Woodson served God and His people with an indomitable passion. 

Bishop Woodson holds a Doctorate Degree in Theology (Th.D.) from Jacksonville Theological Seminary in Jacksonville, Florida.

On January 4, 2004, A.D. Bishop Woodson was appointed to the Episcopacy as Adjutant-Bishop for the Apostolic Office of the United Pentecostal Churches of Christ and was publicly consecrated to the Bishopric the following year. During the 2013 Winter Board Meeting of the House of Bishops of the Pentecostal Churches of Christ (PCC), Bishop Woodson was chosen to serve as Second Assistant Presiding Bishop, and in 2016 during the Holy Convocation, Bishop was promoted to Assistant Presiding Bishop of the Reformation.

Prior to becoming elected Presiding Bishop, Bishop Woodson serves as Ordinary for the Mid-South Episcopal Diocese of the Pentecostal Churches of Christ under the leadership of then Presiding Bishop J. Delano Ellis II.  In addition to being a consummate preacher and prolific defender of the Gospel, Bishop Woodson is the founder and president of Eagles’ Landing Summit, an organization dedicated to ministering healing to wounded leaders.  He serves as a Trustee of the Tennessee School of Religion which provides a biblical and theological education. 

Bishop Woodson’s fiery style of teaching and preaching make him a much sought after speaker. Contrary to the politically correct, 21st century Christian theology, Bishop Woodson believes “Holiness is still right!” His unparalleled knowledge of Episcopal Appropriateness and Adjutancy, coupled with his love for service, allowed him to serve the Joint College of African American Pentecostal Bishops (JCOB), as Dean of the Adjutant’s Academy, member of the JCOB Advisory Board, and member of Executive Board of JCOB which oversaw all facets of the Joint College of African American Pentecostal Bishops Congress where the Most Reverend J. Delano Ellis II, was the Metropolitan-Archbishop.

With several educational and ecclesiastical credits to his charge, Bishop Woodson is a servant at his very core. His love for service and the servants of God distinguishes him from his Episcopal peers. For Bishop Woodson, the statement inscribed upon his coat of arms, “Vocati Ad Ministrandum,” which is translated “Our Vocation is to the Ministry of Service,” is not a simple theme or mantra, but a creed by which he lives. From the tender days of his youth, servanthood has been an integral part of his existence. Today, “Servant Darryl” remains as such.


On Friday, October 30, 2020, A.D., Bishop Darryl Dion Woodson was elected by the House of Bishops of the Pentecostal Churches of Christ to succeed our late Establishmentarian, Archbishop Bishop J. Delano Ellis II as Presiding Bishop "Second in Succession" of its Historic Reformation.



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