Lady Jessie Ruth Luckett Woodson

-elect lady-
Lady Woodson acknowledged her call to ministry in August 1997. After having faithfully served in the ministries of Chief Acolyte, Sunday School Teacher, President of the Minister’s Wives Auxiliary, Youth Activities Coordinator, Lady Chief – Junior Usher Board (Pentecostal Temple C.O.G.I.C.), and Treasurer of the Headquarters Jurisdictional Minister’s Wives Auxiliary, with the Church of God in Christ, Lady Woodson began working with her husband Bishop Darryl D. Woodson in building the ministry of El-Shaddai Pentecostal Church of Christ under the leadership of Bishop J. Delano Ellis II. Recognizing the calling the Lord had upon her husband and the need for a place for the Saints to worship – Lady Woodson offered their newly purchased home for the saints to come for worship, fellowship and the birth of the church.
Being fully persuaded of her calling she was examined in Cleveland Ohio by the Board of Holy Orders for The Pentecostal Churches of Christ in August 2003 and graduated valedictorian of her class. In October 2003 her ministry was confirmed with the laying on of hands and ordination by Bishop J. Delano Ellis II and Bishop Robert W. H. Dickerson in Memphis Tennessee.
Having attended the University of Memphis and Crichton College, Lady Woodson holds a Bachelor of Science Degree in Organizational Management and a Masters in Business Administration from Christian Brothers University. Ecumenically Lady Woodson is a graduate of Leadership Memphis and has worked with Habitat for Humanity. In addition, she works alongside her husband as Assistant Pastor, Trustee, and Minister of Worship for MGCES.
Lady Woodson’s employment with corporate America afforded her the opportunity to serve in the role of Manager and Interim Director where she had oversight in various capacities including, Contact Centers, Sales, Quality Assurance, Escalation Desk, Training and Development for FedEx, Service Master and Terminix. She enjoys working with youth, sewing and is given to hospitality. Possessing a spirit of entrepreneurship and creativity, Lady Woodson is the proud owner and operator of Arlean Elizabeth a successful clothing design business specializing in tailored designs for women and their personal style.